Friday, March 10, 2006

Overtaking Manouevres

I would just love to know - having spent approximately one-third of a nearly 70 mile journey travelling at 50 mph or less on a road designed for 70 mph - who the hell felt the need to sit in the inside lane of the A1 and prevent anyone else from passing the slower-moving traffic in the other lane? Which eventually became the lane that people switched to to undertake the slow person at the front of a long, long jam of extremely frustrated people.

It's dangerous. It's also selfish, but the dangerous angle is the more worrying to my way of thinking. I know that road, I know it well. It is very easy to do 80, 90 mph and more (though you shouldn't) without causing a danger to anyone else for much of its length. And yet, being only a dual carriageway, you often find a convoy of lorries overtaking a slower-moving lorry. They usually all decide to go at once, more often than not at the bottom of a very steep hill, so that all the lorries struggle to keep above 40 mph. It can take five minutes and more to get them all past the slower object, and then usually no sooner have they all crawled back to the 'slow' lane than they all pull out again, normally after one or possibly very lucky two cars have managed to get past them.

I think that's one of the reasons the A1 is so dangerous!

Anyway. I am glad to be home. I am very, very tired. Wanda was too upset with me to run away when I came in. I just got this sort of feline glare and a 'harrrummmpppphhhhhh' from her as she curled up a little tighter on her cushion.

So nice to be loved!

Glad I didn't go to the match. I was also supposed to be going on a leaving do for someone I used to work with at the last place of employment. I quite frankly coudn't be bothered. Same old bitching about the same old faces, and L maundering on about the state of her marriage and how R won't leave her alone even though she dumped him.

To use a much-overused phrase of L'sL 'Whatever!'

Time for bed soon. Just waiting for the man to arrive home from the match. Cold and wet but happy because we won. Not by very much at all, but a win is a win.

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