Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where Do I Begin?

Well, it has been a while, hasn't it?

Where to start?

The cats are blossoming in my care. Both were riddled with fleas, Loki had earmites, a long-standing eye infection and a dreadful stomach upset that had left him with permanent diarrhoea. All of those are cleared up with the exception of a few stray fleas that I keep finding on combing out of both cats' fur.

Neither of them had ever had any of their vaccinations whatsoever, and of course the previous owner has not shown up with the money for them as promised. She also left a load of debts behind her, which caused me to have to change my phone number so I could get online at home - she'd had the same ISP I wanted to sign up with and the debt attached to the phone number.

Dialup truly sucks - I'd forgotten how frustrating it can be. So, I have broadband coming on Friday courtesy of Mr Branson's fine company.

Work seems to be okay. It is very quiet compared to how I'm used to things though. I get the impression the previous incumbent had been running things down prior to leaving quite horrendously. There are maybe 50 live files. Not the 188 alleged on the file list! Some of those are care cases, but they're mostly being run by a guy in a different office. I got to go to court today for the first time in this post! It was much better than the last time I'd had a lay off - but then it's been five or six weeks as opposed to 8 months!

On the bad side, my secretary's husband had a heart attack on Sunday morning, about 8ish. He had a further, massive attack in the back of the ambulance as they went to the local community hospital and had to be resuscitated at the roadside before they could continue the journey. He's now in the City Hospital in Nottingham. It seems he had a blockage in an artery so they have him on warfarin. Hopefully he will make a full recovery and not need surgery.

He's a truly larger-than-life man, with a huge laugh and a pirate beard - he's referred to as 'the Pirate' by us all. He's one of the friendliest, easiest men I think I've ever met. A lovely man.

Everyone is great, really, at work. No problems with anyone as yet, though there is clearly a lot of office politics. I am keeping well clear! Not wanting to get involved at all. NO way - not this time! Once bitten very definitely twice shy.

Landlady still a nutter but not being anywhere near so obtrusive as she was. I don't see her for a couple of days or more at a time now! The youngest child has discovered me now though, although more to the point she has discovered CtOR and thinks he is the bees knees! A four year old fan club. Good, eh?

I think I will update further later cos I am tired now and it is nearly time for the steampowered dialup two hourly boot.


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