Monday, May 22, 2006

Taking the High Road Again

Oh, frabjous joy.

(And, indeed, Calloo! Callay!)

The date for the trial has been brought forward to May 31. Wednesday of next week, in fact. So, another trip up home for me, and sooner than anticipated at that. I could wish it were for a nicer reason too. I don't mind admitting that I am losing sleep over it. Silly of me, really, but it is true unfortunately that it is much different a prospect to know that you will be the one being examined and cross-examined and not the one asking the questions.

Conducting my own advocacy at trial level always made me nervous anyway. I talk too much when I get nervous, which isn't good.

I'm tired and I want it all to be over. And we all think he is going to change his plea at the last minute anyway, possibly on the day of the trial itself. What a waste of time and effort that will be, travelling umpteen hundred miles for nothing.

Looking on the bright side, I get to spend some time with the family. And I think my brother could use a bit of sisterly support. The sister-in-law is not too bright either as she had a big operation last week. So all in all, not a bad time to be going back up necessarily. Just much sooner than anticipated.

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