Wednesday, February 08, 2006


In readiness for the move, I went out shopping yesterday. Ooops...Monday now.

I bought: a 20" screen TV; a toaster and kettle pack and a cordless digital phone (I always wanted one of those and it was reduced from £30 to £14.99, so another bargain. And you must know by now that I do love my bargains!

I am going to persuade J to let me borrow the video recorder or something so I can watch movies. There's no point in getting a computer for next week as I will only be in that flat for 1 week and getting involved in dialup will be just too complicated to have to move numbers for the account after 1 week. Besides, I need to get settled so I can get broadband access organised. And as I am lodging in one flat for a week before moving to the proper flat, I don't want to have too much stuff to move.

Worryingly, I still haven't had a letter making the offer official. I know my reference has been sent over, and I am told it is good, but I can't help but worry. I did receive my P45 and last payslip from the old place this morning.

And L texted me to say that the doziest, laziest secretary from the personal injury department has taken my place in the family department as a fee earner! She heard that directly from uberboss this evening and is spitting feathers.

She keeps telling me she's bored with him now, she's had her bit of fun and isn't interested any more. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

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