Friday, February 17, 2006

Can You Hear Me, Mother?

*Waving frantically to anyone from SOI who may be checking blogs for daily updates*

Hello there!

Well. I've made it to Friday lunchtime of my first week. Monday morning was a complete and total disaster. Motto: never trust the AA's Route planner to get you to where you want to be. I arrived forty minutes late, thanks to the fact that the directions were complete and utter codswallop. Fortunately they were all very nice about it, and it gave them a good giggle. I soon discovered the correct route and can now complete the journey in fifteen minutes, as opposed to an hour and fifteen minutes.

The one cat looks set to become two. I have in fact agreed to take Loki (ginger tabby long-haired tomcat) as well as Kit (tortoiseshell female). Went round to see the present incumbent last night and the flat absolutely stank due to the practically overflowing litter tray. I have already purchased a new tray, tray liners, and a huge bag of Catsan odour control litter. I've never had any odour problems with Wanda using this system, but then I do change her every couple of days and remove solid waste as soon as it is discovered in the tray.

I am going to have to keep on top of the grooming regime for Loki, obviously. I don't think the flat has been cleaned at all regularly - if ever. I began to itch within about five minutes which is very unusual for me. I don't suffer from cat allergies particularly but it got to the point where my eyes were swelling up and my nose was running. Hopefully the promised deep-clean by the landlady will be forthcoming before I move in on Sunday. I am equipped with my own cleaning materials anyway.

I seem to be spending money like water, what with having to buy pots and pans and knives and dish towels and linens. Ah...we unloaded my car on Saturday morning as we decided not to drive over and drop a load of stuff off before Sunday after all. One of the bags was in the way where I'd left it so was moved, and this of course was the bag with the bedding, the dish and bath towels, and my comfy work shoes in. So I had to go out and buy linens, and have been tottering about in dolly-bird strappy heels all week. Except for yesterday when I rebelled and wore my blue suede trainers all day. No-one appeared to give a damn. I bought a new pair of shoes yesterday evening and while they are very nice, they aren't my comfy flatties!

Last Sunday I arrived at the flat around 10:20 in the evening, having got lost twice (not the fault of the AA this time but entirely down to me being a muppet). Himself was bouncing on the spot with worry as I was nearly 45 minutes behind him, though partly this was due to the detour and partly the fact that the crimson brick at present is battling to reach 70. Ray the electrician was still working away, and to make matters worse he'd managed to put a jigsaw through a water pipe so I had a flood too.

Ray eventually had to be ejected at around midnight - forcibly. He was told to come back the next day. Which he did. Not long after everyone had gone, I made a visit to the powder room as it were, and discovered on flushing that there was more water jetting out either side of the pipe leading from the cistern to the bowl.

Ray had to be forcibly removed again on Monday, having promised to do only two small jobs. I had dinner at the local pub (I need a third and fourth mortgage to do that, I tell you) and got back at half past nine, having spent half an hour hanging around outside talking to himself on the phone. Phil the landlord eventually came to my rescue just after ten. Ray has since been barred from the flat. Hooray! And Mark the plasterer fixed the loo for me. Appears Ray must have moved it to do some wiring and put it back wrongly. Silly sod.

The job seems fine. The town is a typical small to medium market town with a small range of shops and - as for anywhere during the day - the usual motley assortment of passers-by. It's quite busy at the moment as the schools are out for half-term, so there are lots of young folk around. The people at work are all lovely and so far I have no problems to report!

Expecting to be home either very late on tonight or tomorrow morning. Himself's car now has an oil leak so is off the road so I will be moving from one flat to another on my own. Hopefully I can persuade some of the lads who seem to be permanently hanging around the landlady's house to give me a hand with the heavy items.

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