Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lost Cats

I lost the cats last night. Both of them. The little furry rascals disappeared. Vanished into thin air. No amount of yelling, whistling and tongue-clicking on the back step could bring them home. Not even the ceremonial opening of the cat food tin brought them galloping through the catflap.

I assumed that all the upheaval of Nicky moving out and me moving in had sent them off for a couple of days to sulk somewhere.

I was wrong.

I left the back door open for quite a large chunk of the evening while I ferried stuff in from the car. I left the boot lid up for quite a long time, too. A cursory examination of the back of the car revealed nothing remaining in there, and I didn't think to look in the front as there was nothing in there.

So, this morning I trotted out to the car to drive off to work and flung open the door to find:

two small, furry, feline faces looking at me as if to say 'Well! What kept you?'

Along with a pool of diarrhoea, courtesy of Loki who is not feeling at his best it would seem (a trip to the vet is already arranged for Thursday).

So, another late start for me. But I did manage to find Sainsbury's this morning, having taken an exit too early at the last roundabout!

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