Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Anyone Would Think

...from a casual read of the later instalments of this blog that all I ever talk about, think about, write about is D (perhaps best referred to by one of his online nicknames, Aging Hippy).

Let me assure you that I do think about other things. Honest I do.

The whole point of blogging is that it's done solely for me. I use it as a way to get my thoughts in some sort of order and to get some of the things running around inside my head out of it and onto paper. Or the screen, whatever. One of the main things that exercises my mind at the moment happens to be my relationship with Aging Hippy, mostly because every time we meet up I find myself feeling closer to him and the times apart are therefore far too long.

I have no idea what the future might hold in that regard. There are a few possibilities, but at this early stage it's too soon to say. All I can say is that I feel incredibly relaxed, happy and comfortable when I'm around him. He says that we're good for each other: he's certainly good for me. I feel a hell of a lot better about myself and seem to be regaining some of my self-confidence, which took rather a battering over at least the last 12 months of my previous relationship.

You literally could not find two more different men than Aging Hippy and CtOR (forever more to be known as Butthead). Where one is supportive, the other was controlling. Where one would perceive my getting frustrated about something I was trying and failing successfully to do and shouting about it as my yelling at him and get very upset about it, the other takes it in his stride as a reaction to the situation and not as a personal attack. There are so many other differences; these just happen to be the two that jump immediately to mind.

I knew before we even met that I loved him, or was fairly certain that I would when we finally physically met. I was fond of him as a friend before Butthead and I broke up. In fact, I found myself thinking at one point last year what a pity it was that we couldn't be more than friends. I wasn't free to be anything more, and besides that there were other factors such as the geographical distance between us. Improbable as it may be, though, things seem to be working out very well. I can't imagine life without him in it.

On the home front, I'm hopeful that a long-running legal issue is soon to be resolved. That will be a definite relief! I'm thinking about perhaps moving at some point, buying a house of my own probably near enough to work to mean commuting is still fairly easy while being far enough away I won't be bumping into clients every five minutes when I go out. I'm not sure, though. Much depends on other things which have yet to be decided and issues that may arise in the next year or so. I have a vague idea of how I would like things to be in a year or so's time. Whether it is achieveable or not I am not yet sure.

Work seems to be okay. I always say that, because given the number of times I've been made redundant since I qualified I never feel as though I have any job security! I'm busy, as always, and have a desk full of work to be getting on with and a stack of billing to do, but it will be done. I have a fairly quiet week as I had the last two days of a three-day final hearing cancel after we resolved the issue in a morning. I've deliberately not booked any clients into the empty slots (or rather Mand, my secretary, hasn't). She casts her eye over my desk and juggles my appointments accordingly - she's a star!

I've just finished a care case that had been running for three or four months before I started working here, 15 and a half months ago. I'm down to four now, from a high of 9 or 10 last year. I wouldn't mind some more to be honest, although I am appreciative of the time it frees up to deal with the other matters I have on.

The cats are all fine. Sulking like mad at me because I abandoned them for four days and went off to Germany. Again. Without them. And came back smelling of strange cats and without bringing any presents back for them. I awoke to find both Kit and Loki sitting on my chest this morning. My cue to crack open a can of cat food. While they will eat dry food, they have a definite preference for the wet canned food. Fortunately with three cats now, rather than two, a can of food put down in the morning will be hoovered up before it can go bad in the hot weather.

Loki is the butt of jokes from Aging Hippy due to size of his tail, which appears to have been installed upside down as it is fat and fluffy at the top and skinny where it joins his body. I will admit that he has a different tail appearance than other cats - long-haired cats specifically - but it does seem to suit him quite well. I ought to take some up to date photos of them all. Well, post some of the up to date photos I've been taking of them!

The biggest thing that's happened to me lately is having to buy a new car. The most I've ever spent in the past is £695, and I paid that out of my inheritance from my Nan. The car lasted maybe 18 months...with hindsight, I should have stuck to my guns and got something far newer at that time, but CtOR went postal at the idea of my taking out a loan, considering I'd only just about finished paying off my law school loan and still had my student loan and credit card to clear.

When you consider I spent around £1,000 on repairs for the Hyundai Pony in 18 months and gave CtOR £250 for the Nissan Primera, it all starts to look very uneconomical.

I knew the Primera was on its last legs. Any car that is burning fuel at an exponential rate all of a sudden and is making odd squealing and banging noises is probably not going to make it through the MOT, and at 13 it didn't owe anyone any favours. Just under 111,500 miles on the clock which is nothing really, but considering it was flooded twice and the electrics totally replaced...the bodywork was rusted clean through on the rear door sills, the brake discs needed renewing, a CV joint was gone, the exhaust needed replacing: the total cost was more than the car was worth.

So, I am now the proud owner of a Fiat Stilo 1.4i Active, in a nice shade of a sort of metallic greeny-gray. It's hard to say what colour it is, really. It performs as well as if not better than the Primera (which was a 2.0 litre SLX model) and has 6 gears. It's pretty comfortable on the motorway and good around town, and much easier to park (and avoid trees).

So, there you have it really. About caught up, I think. I'm sure there's loads more stuff I could blather on about but I have to get back to work now!

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