Monday, May 07, 2007

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

...according (I think, though I could be wrong) to Shakespeare.

Yeah, well. I wouldn't call it sweet. I've come to dread the leaving as much as I look forward to - even long for - the arriving.

I knew what I could be opening myself up to, from the beginning. Would never have come out here that first time if I hadn't thought that this could be a possibility. That I would indeed find that I loved you. Love you.

I didn't expect it to hurt this much, though.

Nothing has yet happened to shake my love for you. Sometimes things do go awry, or not as we'd hoped or planned. That doesn't make me love you any less. Perhaps I love you more for the way you deal with things when they do go wrong.

There are no certainties in life, saving the two already universally acknowledged. I am though as certain as I can be that whilever you wish me to be a part of your life, I will not leave it. I may not be physically here, but I am with you all the same.

I'll be back in two weeks and four days from now, after all. In the meantime, you have a grand adventure to look forward to. And three days after you get back, I'll be arriving to spend four more days with you.

There are so many things we could plan to do after that, time and circumstance permitting. We both I think have some vague ideas as to what to do. We still have that trip to Holland to accomplish, that's one thing I think we agree on.

I never want to be someone who hurts you in any way. Believe me, that was one of - if not the biggest of - my worries before I decided to see what might happen if we started something.

A very dear friend tells me that if we think negatively about how a situation may turn out, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, or has the potential to become one. So, I choose not to think negatively. I firmly believe in 'happy ever after' for both of us. I'm not quite sure how we'll get there, but I'd like us to. If that is something that we can both agree on, then we will find a way to make it work.

I love you, darling mine.

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