Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Neglected Blog

Sorry, I've been rather busy lately (and there's been no-one nagging me to update it and telling me how much they enjoy reading the new posts - must have scared my devoted reader off)!

I took it into my head last week that I wanted to start househunting and found the perfect house. Unfortunately I saw it before I saw a mortgage broker (my initial appointment having been cancelled) and don't yet have a deposit. I know the sellers of the house I loved will accept £77,000, but that would leave me in deep financial doo-doo, and I don't do doo-doo. It would be much more achieveable if I were looking at borrowing £47,000. To borrow the full whack is too great a stretch. That is, if I want to be able to eat and buy fuel to run the car after I've met all my outgoings.

Anyway, I don't as I say have a deposit in place yet, but hopefully now that is only a matter of time.

Though even when I do get it, what to do? Should I buy now anyway, or wait and see what happens? Do I put my plans on hold while I wait for other things to sort themselves out, or do I set about making myself comfortable and happy?

What I really want is an English-speaking job in Germany, and I'm not going to get one of those in my current field. I'd gladly do something else if it was fulfilling and allowed me to pay my debts off and have a little left over. I'd possibly think about relocating if I could do that. Of course, an ability to speak rather better German than I do currently would be extremely useful, so I ought to be making more of an effort to relearn the bloody language.

Then again, is it really what I want? I mean, I know I'd like to be with D rather more often than we can manage at present, but he doesn't know where he's likely to end up in even a year's time. It wouldn't be so bad if he did go back to the US (they do after all speak a kind of English out there), but the Green Card lark sounds horrendously drawn out. Not sure I fancy two years of being unable to work legally, although if I could afford it I could maybe requalify in US law. There's a heck of a lot of conveyancing work in Florida, after all (groaning at the thought of conveyancing!) and a lot of ex-pats...I could always set up in business doing that, or blag my way into an existing firm or real estate office. Always handy I guess if you have experience of buying and selling property in a different jurisdiction, and many ex-pats I understand like to deal with other Brits abroad.

I suppose I'd just have to get used to living in America...can't say it's what I thought I would ever do, but millions of other people do and millions more seem to want to, so it can't be that bad.

Can it?

Anyway, work calls.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:04 pm

    you should know you couldn't scare me off!
    I knew you had lots to do and I have also been busy!
    I must make more of an effort to keep in touch with you and the ent-wife....I like you both immensely!
    Anyway, good luck in whatever path you choose.....
