Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Gained a pound.

Suspect it has a lot to do with quantity of food and alcohol consumed on Friday night. That and the fact that I must by now be 'due', as it were. Although having not picked up my prescription in time last month, goodness only knows when that will actually happen as it was never very reliable at the best of times.

In respect of the moralising: it has been pointed out to me that you never know how you will react until you are placed in that situation. In other words, come back when you've been married several years and have two kids and are told to move out the way of the telly when you model sexy new underwear for your husband, and your boss takes a shine to you.

In a very gentle way, naturally.

True enough, you can never say for sure until you've walked a mile in their shoes. I like to think I would do differently.

No word on the job front. I am not looking forward to being skint again. It is not a condition that suits me whatsoever. I hope and pray that any spell without work is very very short indeed. Very short.

Time for bed. I think I may be getting gloomy...without benefit of fake hormones, PMT may well hit very very hard. My boobies feel as though they're about to explode 24/7 at the moment as it is. Why would not being on the Pill for a few weeks have such a huge effect?! It's like 'AAAARGH! AAAAAARGGGH! GERROFF! OW!' when even gently caressed, which is no good for himself's morale.

Ah well.

Night night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

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