Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Navel gazing

Is that a posh term for woolgathering? For studied introspection?

I bought the local rag for the job vacancies, it being Wednesday. Nada. Although there are a couple of teaching assistant posts that might be useful if I do indeed want to segue neatly sideways into a career in teaching.

But do I?

Buggered if I know.

Had a client in this afternoon. Works for a recruitment consultancy. Having dealt with his matters, I mentioned I'd sought the advice of a rival firm and been very disappointed. Next thing I know, I have his e-mail address and am being urged to mail him and he'll fix me right up with some temporary work till I find a new job.

So, I shall e-mail him my CV and see what happens!

Don't feel like saying much else tonight. Feeling a bit flat.

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