Saturday, January 21, 2006

Lead me not to the Tequila

Ten past three on Saturday afternoon and I am finally approaching the waters of near-normality. I hope.

Those who know me through this blog will by now be convinced that I am some kind of alcohol-dependent, shambling wreck. I'm not, honest. Really I'm not. We just ended up having a couple of drinks in the office after the department meeting, then going over to the Mexican again and having Margaritas and beer and good food.

Then we went home, and not very long after I arrived my neighbour came round and invited me over for drinks. So I went. And had a bottle of wine.

I think I need a good long break from such debauchery now.

The man rang the Nuffield yesterday. He will shortly receive a letter inviting him to another appointment with the good Professor McM who will then give him an operation date. Probably about a week after that appointment. He has to follow a special diet for a week to shrink the liver first, apparently. So he's supposed to have stopped smoking again. Which is presumably why he's out in the back garden having a fag.


Last night he asked me why I'd told his mother he'd stopped breathing for himself under the anaesthetic when he had his op last year. Up until that point, I didn't bloody well know that! His dad told him that that I had told his mum that, but I can't have done. Can I?

No news on the job front, in terms of a new job anyway. Yesterday I had the fun and joy of the person who may replace me coming in for the day to see what she thought of it. Head of department asked me if I was ok with that, I said yes and was patted on the back by her. Two minutes later, the person is lead into our room - the room L and I share - and left to speak to L for the morning. So I got bugger all work done and had to listen to L saying what a marvellous crew we are, what a great place it is to work and so on.

Which it is. She felt bad about it she says, but having told her all this at court three months ago - which lead to the girl being approached in the first place - she could hardly then say it was really crap.

Later after lunch I had the further joys of head of department going on in the department meeting about how WE had overcome all the problems of the crap files we'd inherited in the six months or so since the new people started, and how the new procedures had ensured we'd been given a clean bill of health by our consultants who ensure the LSC and the new peer reviewers will think we are great. The bloody cow - she joined in mid-September, two months after me, and has never worked on ANY of the pre-existing files. She brought her own caseload with her and that is practically all that she touches. And it is the likes of me and L that cover her bloody hearings for her.

I was so furious last night that if the uberboss had joined us as L kept asking us to I would have told him straight to his face what I thought to that.

He didn't fortunately.

L got very upset that he didn't and that he was quite dismissive of her, when she had come running at his beck and call the night before. She sent him an ultimatum and he said yeah, whatever in reply. She hasn't heard from him since and was in floods of tears when she got home last night. This whole situation - me with my job and her with this silly affair - is all part of his bloody powertrip, I'm sure of it.

I will end up getting bitter and angry and resentful if I carry on. And that is SO not me.


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